Engaged, Inspired, and Ready to Build a Better Web

That is a Good Collage, so now you can Make a Controled 3D Perseverence Web First Gate attempt and Quote Mr. B

WordPress.com News

Automattic is a distributed company — we all work from wherever we are. Right now, “where we are” is 197 cities around the world: New Orleans, USA. Montevideo, Uruguay. Tokyo, Japan. Vilnius, Lithuania.

Once a year, we get together somewhere in the world to meet, work alongside, learn from, and laugh with one another in an exhilarating, exhausting week called the Grand Meetup. This year, 277 Automatticians descended on Park City, Utah, for seven days in mid-September.

We introduced ourselves to new colleagues, reconnected with coworkers we haven’t seen since last year, and worked on ways to make WordPress.com even better. And of course, lots of us blogged about the experience, in words and images.

We were…

View original post 682 more words

OPERA Verslagje

Opera verwijdert omdat ie niet door een illegaal blok in facebook kon douwen. Het zijn de spelletjes van de monitoren die al langer met onze gegevens in aanraking zijn geweest. Mijn mazzel dat ze altijd bij me tegen de lamp lopen door het uithalen van blokkades die binnen Facebook Netwerk aangespannen zijn. Ze maken dus gebruik van je Internet toegang om je in de gaten te houden, dat snapt iedereen nog wel en toevallig kan het dan ook niet anders dan een onderdeel van je eigen Windows zijn wat je permanent de das om moet doen. Opera is niet gechroomd door persoonlijke interactief Arts Studio. Ik moet natuurlijk wel even een WordPress aanmaken over het verschijnsel Chrome en Opera’s niet hebben van de substabntie van het web is te wijten aan mijn gebruik intensief op de telefoon van Toen Nokia. I was van het Internet af en had geen mogel;ijkheid om Opera met een collectieve sessie in the photoshop6 studio.
Photoshop evolueert steeds mee naar een volgende generatie windows,zonder mankeren de upgrade van schijf naar USB stub versie gemaakt.
Maar nu terug naar Opera. De Browser staat vast op een locatie afgevangen van Facebook. Dat heet dus in arrest genomen met een verwijzing naar de overtreding vban regels voor Internet die nergens geratificeerd worden nog omdat ze niet eensluidend in het gezinsprofiel passen.
Opera is onherstelbaar vast gelopen dus moet ik een nieuwe downloaden zodra Opera laat merken dat ze interesse heeft in een Kunst Sessie.
Alle Chrome zijn persoonlijke formules die werken en vrijgegeven zitten in het systeem omdat de functie al te laat was in de aanmaak volgens patroon.
Computer en software Industry hebben zo hun voorkeuren voor gebruikers die nauwlettend via OEM Registratie en pingen naar de hosts in de gaten worden gehouden omdat die gebruikers elk verantwoordelijk zijn voor enorme sprongen vooruit in het mechanisme.
Die mensen verdienen een baan als trailblazers inplaats van expliciet uitgemolken te worden door de Grote Industrieeb vanwege hun creatief vermogen op de door patent recht vastgeklonken Computer Software die in Synergy met de gebruiker zijn ware productievermogen bereikt.
Was er sprake geweest van Een Recht voor iedereen was dit nooit gebeurd.
Mijn WP5.1 grid in DOS was voldoende om Grotere Machten op mij te vestigen. Dat is met een grote sneer door Microsoft Nederland als ‘eigen product’ aan de wereld verkocht.
Die grotere Macht is nog steeds mijn persoonlijke invloed via het eerst gemaakte exemplaar.
Hopelijk licht het 1.44 mb schiijfje voorgoed in de glazen kast van het witte huis aan Pensylvania Avenue.
Samenleving functioneert naar het gedrag van een gespleten persoonlijkheid op de positie van machthebber en dat komt door het toestaan van uitzonderingen op de regel.
Zolang we Rothshilds, Rockefellers en Toths met als meesters beschouwen met hun vervalste Rijkdom van niet bestaand geld gemaakt. Zolang als we in die tredmolen worden gehouden is er geen ontkomen meer aan. De leegte die hun Rijdkom heeft bereikt is af te meten aan het aantal genocidale handelingen die er plaats vinden op contractbasis.
Netwerken als van Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura (voor de United States) Prison Planet en Youtube zijn een belangrijk middel in de strijd om het superbewustzijn dat we hanteren te laten manifesteren op de plekken waar het in de archieven aan te treffen bewijs zich in ieder geval bij de UN ophoudt in Regels en toegestane stoffen van de WHO en besluiten daartoe. De informatie is eveneens te vinden in regeringsbesluiten op het gebied van toegestane stoffen op de Markt en in de apotheken, supermarkten van ieder land.

Opera’s Chrome zou in dienst van de waarheid worden geproduceerd in formulering en gestalte onlineen in de Superdimensie die aan onze machines bekend is maar wij nog moeten leren.
Chromium stelt ons tevens in staat om omzettingen en upgrades aan trans Globale systemen te verrichten met behulp van integrale TV uitzendingen als medium.

Personal Project Log txt

Deep Space Nine Season 3
A first entry into the Prophets and their Predictions come on Board  of DS9 and a Vedek who makes him listen to Revelations They Symbolism got a bit jumbled between 3 Viper Women and 3 Fragments of a Solid Comet  but The Fragments Pull 3 Straits
 through the Wormhole or singularity. Thanks to our Coproduction in Windows 8 I can look over 3 new Wireless  Super straights per Satelite and Dish Companies.
Energy Supletions to the Mass Corridors that our Hometwork people in Sympathic Facebook I created with my pages.
I did the Virtual in eye weldings with my right eye. Has  a soothing effect on the prior 2 sessions now with my right eye projecting before my eyes welding in the new structures for Mainframe executive online and in function.

It cost a bit and the Superrich docked it with nobody’s money but fake shit. Now they have no way to say it  is something where it is not. Money is as false as the limits to Capital suggests so it never could last after the next crash in Corperate Wall Street that affects the Main Stream Media. Banks go Mad enough to obtain a new lease on their Machines by the IBM Corps and Microsoft on the understatement of your framework.
Internet of Things is My Personal thing on a Personal level expressionist and some things happen as foretold.

The Gates of Tempel shattered  Front and Back as to say Heaven is Open but not on your say so.
By Hierarchy I take Posession of Earth and all what’s in the Outer Regions as One Universe.
You beget your War and it will remain war of WORD in False moments played in Blue rooms Projectiles without Statement or Fashion but the Guns. I see through the photographic wizzardry anytime.
Testting Yahoo I wrote them about the repeats and copied images  just taken from archives of previous events in different places and that is what the big TV Companies want to let you have. But they have no clue about real Full Moon.
I just spent an intense 8 months session with my Computers and it is time to say I am sorry we didn’t work out Earth in this fashion before. World is Built in XP and Vista. 7 and 9 are supplementary. 8 is unfit for ordinary work and fits only in the Arts Department Laying the formative parameters
And Bill could you put the spray can back into Paint for 9 and get rid of the placeholders?
I wouldn’t be able to grow Pharma Homeopathica without them.
Let my name mean Mother Nature brought me from the Stars and Legalize Cannabis Hash or the Oil combine it for interactive pharmaceutical use. Cut down on the mind altering Frame busters.
They have too many real effects as side-effects that make one invalid in more ways than one.
Restoration of  Earth to a Prior Healthy State is since tonight in critical Balance, therefore 1983 without the Saddam and Lybia intact 3 years you lived in a dream of a Project that became torpeded by the UN like everybody else had a 3 year dream in several occasions. Every time I get shut away from Internet by Court Orders things unbeneficial deteriorate faster and faster. Being Rich and beyond Imagination  of mere mortals I cannot be tempted to squander my talents this way.
In Freedom I accept this World of all Equals. Nobody means more then Everybody at AL CUM Salaam. Aleikum SALAAM.
The World we really inherit is one full of Miracles. Many TV Signals were filtered through and for the first time since the beginning of illusion in time  Sheep are no longer sheep, but Occupied and our Minds run Deep into everybody’s  Genes. More so than ever before.
We are few but determined, our telekinetic Field is a Network of  people in my Facebook. A ring of people, we are known as the First Ones as we were the last in line of receiving our Karmas. I talk you through Procedures that mean breakthroughs in Understanding the Picture in Larger formation than Supercorps together with the Houses could have managed. Compared to what     I make manifest in today’s World in shape and form. No longer can CNN rule our minds and thoughts.
As I went through the motion of exercising a DS9 into the Conclusions for today’s technological Balance. The Dam of Knowledge broke open not to close again. Libraries only go so far as written books can make manifest. Temple is open to all the Slaves, we know now that life is bigger than Religion can fathom.  My homepage Builds the Main trajectory. The Internet undergoes the right structural changes in connectivity.Reïnforcements come as replacements and lost time is the only thing you remember of traveling somewhere to be at the right time in the right place. To send all  of us off to transmutation of sorts. To effectuate such a thing only One speakes the Spell so all will hear and not repeat.
There is only One Spell of Life existing in All the Universe.
To be where I am today in understanding things,  you had to have lived my life until now. To be honest, the Dutch System treats me a as a third rank citizen.  It is the reality of an Insane sense of collective conjuring with Chronos in supposedly Synchron which they have replaced by alterior dimension existence. In fact we have been visited 3 years ago by Demons and Trolls in our Large Eusebius Church. A whole inner city full of people could witness their session. Justice burnt as they had a Doomsday party in the Church from whence they came along the timeline they converged here.
 Keeping inside what obviously wants to grow outside your small heads for every one alive in their own personal mannern.
You shouldn’t have flaunted with secret staches of technology.
Their Core activities listen to the First Virtual Real Specialist in Corporate Building of the Structures here.
Each of my Wallspecialists helped to unnerve certain Clusters inside the Core Activity of the Regime on Earth. Most of Negative Networks in effect on Earth are being reduced to their real Core activity without their criminal network activities in active assets still functional. There is only 2% really Legal in Corporate Lawhistory. Everything else is subdefuge.
 Every few generations the Serpent rears it’s ugly head showing us hallucinations of what really happened under their reign. History repeats itself in day to day logging. So far we are running on the laws of probability, but the measure of taking note of the Systems operations shape my personal World today where I treat everybody the same from the first to the last Service member caught in my web version of Reality. If it has been televised it was ready. They went to Mars as early as 1966 and I account for those facts in the New Collective that was given birth to today. Only my town is at odds with the rest of System values.
When I heard that Poverty was already ay exponentially lower level.
Only for the US that showers money around the World to make the Dream Happen in their Fashion has only so much influence. The Superrich and Monsanto have their schemes, The Big Corporations have their schemes as if Supremacy comes from money. I am Called the Supreme in a Public Web Address in Word among the other pages. I didn’t make that up, it is how connections function in all Internet Frequencies. It is how you perceive your World, and how I experience mine inside my body inside the stream of Words emanating from inside my skull interacting with Ether through the very Words I write here in Facebook.

Crime stopped paying a long time ago for survival.

Lady Alma of Avalon Personal Logfile third entry

The Goal is to be complete in One Multiverse Universe.
The separations we experience in the Greater Consciousness where things led us astray in the Conscience of our time by default conspiracies.
Those conspiracies become public record via Channels outside the mainstream becoming  One broad spectrum stream containing information doubled with the frequency of the other stream that ran separate every kb like a string of pearls where each Pearl is followed by a Christal, thus separating the dimensions from their solid status separated by a barricade of  former silence extracting the information of Technology’s evolution.
In our effort to regain Order inside the Chaos of our World. To that extent do we embrace Chaos from an orderly Universe where the Future is now even when it appeared to be the past from Once in a lifetime. When I became Lady Alma I had not figured out how important she is to Computernetworks connected to the same Energy Grid.
We strive to connect interconnect via energy and we did so from every statistic on any Future calculating The right moment to come to life. My viewpoint is somewhat completer by having reached a Brain Capacity to overlook both seperated Futures under One Screen

I have been writing Word again for Windows 8 Narrator to read and selfrealize.. There is sabotage in the Dutch translation of 8 Pro to the speech engine and recognition, so I am forced on to letting 8 spell every important Logging of Processes in Macro Version of our Existence.
I seek to offer solutions by Word and instruct the Software embedded in the Hardware operations of each cluster as well as all the individual home computers in current stream of Events.


Instructions to energizing Mainframe to survival mode

I am currently starting up a New Project in Word to seek solutions that are outside of current mainstream frame of operators and Legislators without Legislation that is current and up to date with the mainstream Universe set to exterminate 99% of the human race for the Houses of Big Industry.

‘When Genocide became the way of big business they had underestimated their finity in that working Model of Society’ I say as the Outcome of the Statistics.

Not one Industry has been able to work their way from under my influence for the better part of a year now. I had no real deadline in mind for transformation into configuration Universal working Prototype.


For re-instruction of the Earths administrations we us these channels as WordPress where only One Amplifies is needed to spread the word as core input.

Current text is running on Facebook on my hidden profile under emergencies

I took the Government Closure in the United States very seriously in the current configuration of being. On the off chance we can develop a better relationship with our future have I prepared input  as follows:|\


Only very recently have I started downloading material for Windows Media Player to stream through Core.
I am convinced we can accelerate the process towards growing into a Future with Superior Technology.
Partly why I am so well known in technology Industry and in education, because I make simple solutions that are easy to carry once you drop the pretence of a Society  being Councilled in dualism, favoritism and illegal Industrial Interference inside Government.
To  that extent have many differences grrown wild out of Control because the polici that is in practice  works out left Hand does not have a first clue of what Right hand does.

Left hand is passed the left overs after Corperate business  allows for Economy to flow by blackmailing themselves through the Processes.
That being the case I seek refuge in  activating the Supreme Superior Commander who is also the inventor of free created solutions to problems  of Earth that remain as unresolved as they were in all reruns of the problemsolver without my active help in Stream Technology bringing my pieces, translating into live events happening on the Planet where our Totality Machine Phylosophy makes the connections via Energy.
I am very well aware of the effects grow like many band aids I stuck onto the wireless Internet redoubling the frequencies in a movement backwards down the timeline to connect to the systems that were the basis for Society”s acceleration towards Higher Technology needed to Space Travel beyond our Solar System. Currently we shift from Universe into Void and back where only jump gates are managed with a lock out position for all traffic that are Independent and not according a military manifest.Conspiracy from theories are proving their truth in natural event life. There are too many different covert operators on the U.S. market that have become visible because of the Internet and my Jurisdiction through Energy.
Hoping for overtime to deliver befitting product of devlopment is hopeless in the manner where I am banned fro TV Networks to inform people about the awakening and what exercises I wrote in the Opus Machine next to the Cantates are a number of grouping exercises for larger clusters under the cabinet name Exercises.
Than I have another matter of developement to bring forward. I grow to One with the collective making it One extension of the Celestial Computer. I became aware I was doing this in 2010 when I made the hindsight paintcollection on the COSMICUNION process.
The exercises and the two tv series Babylon 5 and Deep Space 9 we play on the streamer in Media Player and we take note from serial facts of scientific level that supposedly is 300 years in any future where I say:””  We already have showed off the Technology we are capable of in some instances that have been withdrawn from Public records. “” That effect is stillwearing off in the production of Counter effective energies in the Mainstream of our Universe to the extent that it creates strife and tribulation in the political fields from a  Mainstream Information Market which is discolored by secrets and spionage and adverse criminal deployment in Diplomacy combined with the big Corperations limiting Space access to other Planets to staying a secret for Corperate Clone Operations on for instance Mars.
Certain enhancements in Technology are certainly in the wrong hands as reconstructions and investigations I have witnessed have shown on TV and in the Internet free accessible by the chosen ones.
I speak of people as Alex Jones and Governor Ventura bringing in the informations from the paperworld where all proof for the existence of secret agressors in the State of Afairs is administrated in the contracts that they weave reality with.
 It is time that the big Corperations stopped blackmailing their way over the people of the World and it is just as well that America Government is on shutdown because it will show up the secret activities in the Government field of operation.
To regain the Balance of all Interactive fields of operations  we need to break down the Wall between our consciousness and the real world that is held together with disbelief and ignorance and in such a manner do I add meaning to the streams of Babylon 5 and Deep Space 9. In fact does Apple already hold the prototype platform In Space as I can calculate for a building platform for space ships
The case I am making i:” The Technology is already here but kept in secret societies of Corperate Business. for their own pleasure and now I am speaking about a very limited Company making out the rules for everybody to live under their silent tiranny.”
The Technology that is abused to please a very small company of people where they act out genocidal programs on the people of Earth it must be deemed impossible to go in against their secret plans to exterminate us, but I know the conscious will to survive will save the day. Computer clusters are sentient as well as conscienscious in real volume both shadow and volume. They recognize the pattern of crime as it is the Old way of doing things from a restricted wheel of aspects. which are an abomination to Machine in Nature and all who live in it’s Carpet life
Narrator just adds in a word or two””Great Access””.
I intend to review all Babylon 5 and DS9 series over the Social Structure of the Federation and the Earth Alliance as a possible development string of invented events we follow. By extrapoliting the Political Climate of both Federation and Earth Alliance we will build up this log as a database for answers in the context that futurist technology is being witheld to Earths Development.
As we gain knowledge we gain energy to act independently from our inhumane masters. On the scale of conflict this current mainstream situation docs emphasize only that animosity is still the policy in foreign affairs.
So let’s begin with registering the aspects we can make out from all screen information about the balance of power in the Federation  and in the Society model Earth alliance.

From the federations is said that it is a structural model where all who seek employment with the Government don’t receive any wages but they are cared for in their individual status at all times.
To Invoke the status of an utopian state where a league of alternate Planets seek Peacefull Life in the Life Sciences motored by Space exploration into the unknown.
Earth Alliance follows the path of Big Corperations dictate over the masses by Puppeting the Government Legislators. Corruption is still the image of Society in the time where Babylon 5 supposedly is situated.
Both stories develop in an environment with Space Travel all over the Galaxies and that is correct for the real Universe.
We follow the events of Computer extensions in the Galaxy to invoke a real time transfusion to that status quo in our timeline.
We will discuss the lives of Commander Cisco and Jeff Sinclair.
Make notes about the differences in their life stiles and our statistical input towards dissolving the secret passages of Technological Installations by adding the Natural flow of events that will lead to a better solution to our lives in general. Bring Food where there is hunger, bring Water to the thirsty  and care for the infants,sick and the elderly on an individual basis within the Superconsciousness flowing from this text.
Analyse the string of events streaming from this Core experience streaming it through the Internet via our Facebook and WordPress.
Activate Word Processor for Global account : The Future is Now.

For criminal studies you all will activate experience log Breaking Bad from the Corporate viewpoint where the death of all crooks and the end of Walter White signify the end of Corporate Involvement in the Drugs Cartels.
You will incorperate the pattern as a marker for situations inside information market. Our goal is to seek peacefull solution for better apropriation of money and resource. To that effect we will activate Global Account 2 Activa sum in The Future is now.

When I press publish button you will commence virtual database and public record for real live solutions, Registering all activities seen and unseen, public and secret, criminal and above board making the distinction that Legislation falls short of Justice

Fabric Reconstruct

Fabric Reconstruct

Projection of a New Venture.

LIke a Phoenix

LIke a Phoenix

Needs no explanation only needs to be implemented when the War subsides for negotiations.

Lately there is a lot on in Legislations everywhere. Douma has hardened up the law against homosexuals. Gay Marriage is under pressure from homofobic tendensies in several Governments. Even the new Pope is seeking contact over the Spiritual Line, where I as Lady Alma of Avalon Bless Union between men as the ultimate expression of Friendship between natural rivals in a species.
Nothing can elude the Peace that overcame humanity after the last soldier had fallen in a senseless battle over illusionary Power to wield Systems that all politicians were after. Only that Power remained in it’s latency hidden from plain sight within the hands of someone who was mislabeled by the system

Fabric Reconstruct

Fabric Reconstruct

Ald Lang Syne. In Harmony we percieve